Module genetic

This module is a Python implementation of a genetic algorithm with a regularized evolution process. It was inspired by the following paper:

Saltori, Cristiano, et al. "Regularized Evolutionary Algorithm for Dynamic Neural Topology Search." 
International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing. Springer, Cham, 2019.

The example folder contains two examples of genetic algorithms used to:
1) Optimise the architecture and hyperparameters of a Neural Network (link)
2) Tune the hyperparameters of a Support Vector Machine and XGBoost model (link)


To use this module, follow these three simple steps:

1) Define a function to be optimised

This function has to take a dictionary of parameter as argument:

def difficult_problem(param_dict):
    result = param_dict['x']**2 + (param_dict['y']+1)**2
    if param_dict['luck'] == 'lucky':
        result += 10
    return result

This function could be anything that takes parameters as input and outputs a scalar value.

It could evaluate a model's cross-validation score based on given hyperparameter values, a profit/cost function, the efficiency of a resourcing plan… The possibilities are limitless.

2) Define a search space

search_space = [
    Integer(-100,100, 'x'),
    Real(-100,100, 'y'),
    Categorical(['lucky', 'unlucky'], 'luck')

The search space can be composed of Integer, Real and Categorical variables. Numeric parameters are initialised with a lower bound, upper bound and a parameter name. Categorical parameters require a list of possible values and a parameter name.

3) Run the evolutionary algorithm

best_params = optimise(difficult_problem,search_space,minimize=True, 

# Prints:
# Number of Iterations: 500
# Best score: 0.00410559779230605
# Best parameters: {'x': -0.0, 'y': -1.0640749388786759, 'luck': 'lucky'}
Expand source code
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

This module is a Python implementation of a genetic algorithm with a regularized evolution process.
It was inspired by the following paper:

    Saltori, Cristiano, et al. "Regularized Evolutionary Algorithm for Dynamic Neural Topology Search." 
    International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing. Springer, Cham, 2019.
The example folder contains two examples of genetic algorithms used to:<br>
1) Optimise the architecture and hyperparameters of a Neural Network ([link](<br>
2) Tune the hyperparameters of a Support Vector Machine and XGBoost model ([link](

    To use this module, follow these three simple steps:
    1) Define a function to be optimised
    This function has to take a dictionary of parameter as argument:
        def difficult_problem(param_dict):
            result = param_dict['x']**2 + (param_dict['y']+1)**2
            if param_dict['luck'] == 'lucky':
                result += 10
            return result
    This function could be anything that takes parameters as input and outputs a scalar value.
    It could evaluate a model's cross-validation score based on given hyperparameter values,
    a profit/cost function, the efficiency of a resourcing plan... The possibilities are limitless.
    2) Define a search space
        search_space = [
            Integer(-100,100, 'x'),
            Real(-100,100, 'y'),
            Categorical(['lucky', 'unlucky'], 'luck')
    The search space can be composed of Integer, Real and Categorical variables.
    Numeric parameters are initialised with a lower bound, upper bound and a parameter name.
    Categorical parameters require a list of possible values and a parameter name.
    3) Run the evolutionary algorithm
        best_params = optimise(difficult_problem,search_space,minimize=True, 
        # Prints:
        # Number of Iterations: 500
        # Best score: 0.00410559779230605
        # Best parameters: {'x': -0.0, 'y': -1.0640749388786759, 'luck': 'lucky'}

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy
import random

class Individual:
    Single individual in a population
         id_number (int): identifier of the individual
         parent_id (tuple): tuple containing the id of the two parents
         stage_init (int): stage in which the individual was generated
         params (dict): dictionary of parameters
        ind_id (int): identifier of the individual
        parent_id (tuple): tuple containing the id of the two parents
        stage_init (int): stage in which the individual was generated
        params (dict): dictionary of parameters
        fitness (float): fitness of the individual (default:None)
    def __init__(self, ind_id, parent_id, stage_init, params):
        self.ind_id = ind_id
        self.parent_id = parent_id
        self.stage_init = stage_init
        self.params = params = None
    def get_fitness(self,opt_function):
        Evaluates an individual's fitness based on its parameters and a function
            function (function): user-selected function to be optimised
            This function must take a dictionary as argument. 
            This dictionary's keys must match the search space's parameter name
            ValueError if fitness cannot be evaluated for a given individual
   = opt_function(self.params)
            raise ValueError("An error occurred while evaluating Individual {ind_id}'s fitness \n             with the following parameters: {params} \n             To debug this problem, please make sure that the following requirements are met: \n             1) The function requires a parameter as only required argument \n             2) The name of the dictionary keys expected by the function matches the parameter names             defined in the search space \n             3) The search space has been defined to avoid errors, or the function has been built to             handle them correctly \n             4) The function's execution should not generate errors".format(ind_id = self.ind_id, params = self.params))

class Integer():
    Integer Parameter class, member of the Search Space
        lower_bound (int): parameter space lower bound
        upper_bound (int): parameter space upper bound
        name (str): parameter name
        step (int, optional): desired step between each selection
        lower_bound (int): parameter space lower bound
        upper_bound (int): parameter space upper bound
        name (str): parameter name
        step (int, optional): desired step between each selection
        var_type (str): parameter type, used in the sampling process
        check (str): string 'parameter', used to check the integrity of the search space
        This parameter's name must be consistent with the keys of the dictionary \
        fed into the optimised function
        ValueError if the lower bound is superior or equal to the lower bound
    def __init__(self, lower_bound, upper_bound, name, step = 1):
        self.lower_bound = lower_bound
        self.upper_bound = upper_bound = name
        self.step = step
        self.var_type = 'int'
        self.check = 'parameter'
        if self.lower_bound >= self.upper_bound:
            raise ValueError("the lower bound {} has to be less than the"
                             " upper bound {}".format(lower_bound, upper_bound))
class Real():
    Real Parameter class, member of the Search Space
        lower_bound (int): parameter space lower bound
        upper_bound (int): parameter space upper bound
        name (str): parameter name
        precision (int, optional): desired number of decimals
        prior (str, optional): sampling distribution, default is 'uniform'. 'normal', 'lognormal',
        'exponential' and 'gamma' are also accepted
        mean (float, optional): default is 0, only required for 'normal' and 'lognormal' prior distributions
        stdev (float, optional): default is 1, only required for 'normal' and 'lognormal' prior distributions
        scale (float, oprional): default is 1, only required for 'exponential' and 'gamma' prior distributions
        shape (float, oprional): default is 1, only required for 'gamma' prior distributions
        lower_bound (int): parameter space lower bound
        upper_bound (int): parameter space upper bound
        name (str): parameter name
        precision (int): desired number of decimals
        mean (float, optional): default is 0, only required for 'normal' and 'lognormal' prior distributions
        stdev (float, optional): default is 1, only required for 'normal' and 'lognormal' prior distributions
        scale (float, oprional): default is 1, only required for 'exponential' and 'gamma' prior distributions
        shape (float, oprional): default is 1, only required for 'gamma' prior distributions
        var_type (str): parameter type, used in the sampling process
        check (str): string 'parameter', used to check the integrity of the search space
        This parameter's name must be consistent with the keys of the dictionary \
        fed into the optimised function
        ValueError if the lower bound is superior or equal to the lower bound
    def __init__(self, lower_bound, upper_bound, name,
                 precision = 3, prior = 'uniform',
                 mean = 0, stdev = 1, 
                 scale = 1, shape = 1):
        self.lower_bound = lower_bound
        self.upper_bound = upper_bound = name
        self.precision = precision
        self.prior = prior
        self.mean = mean
        self.stdev = stdev
        self.scale = scale
        self.shape = shape
        self.var_type = 'real'
        self.check = 'parameter'
        if self.lower_bound >= self.upper_bound:
            raise ValueError("the lower bound {} has to be less than the"
                             " upper bound {}".format(lower_bound, upper_bound))
    def plot_prior(self):
        Plots the prior distribution of a Real parameter
        x = np.linspace(self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound, 200)
        print('Parameter Name: {name} \nPrior Distribution: {prior}'.format(name =, prior = self.prior))
        if self.prior == 'uniform':
            y = stats.uniform.pdf(x)
        elif self.prior == 'normal':
            y = stats.norm.pdf(x, self.mean, self.stdev)
            print('Mean: {mean} \nStandard Deviation: {stdev}\n'.format(mean = self.mean, stdev = self.stdev))
        elif self.prior == 'lognormal':
            print('Mean: {mean} \nStandard Deviation: {stdev}\n'.format(mean = self.mean, stdev = self.stdev))
            y = stats.lognorm.pdf(x, s = self.stdev, scale = self.mean)
        elif self.prior == 'exponential':
            print('Scale: {scale} \n'.format(scale= self.scale))
            y = stats.expon.pdf(x, scale = self.scale)        
        elif self.prior == 'gamma':
            print('Shape: {shape} \nScale: {scale}'.format(shape = self.shape, scale = self.scale))
            y = stats.gamma.pdf(x, a = self.shape, scale = self.scale)
        plt.plot(x, y)
        plt.title(, fontsize = 15, pad = 10)
class Categorical():
    Categorical Parameter class, member of the Search Space
        value_list (iterable): list of possible values
        name (str): parameter name
        value_list (iterable): list of possible values
        name (str): parameter name
        var_type (str): parameter type, used in the sampling process
        check (str): string 'parameter', used to check the integrity of the search space
        This parameter's name must be consistent with the keys of the dictionary
        fed into the optimised function
        ValueError if the value list argument is not an iterable
    def __init__(self, value_list, name):
        self.value_list = value_list = name
        self.var_type = 'categorical'
        self.check = 'parameter'
            if isinstance(value_list, str):
                #Raises an error if the value_list is a string (separate check because strings are iterables...)
                raise ValueError("The list of possible values for the parameter '{}' cannot be a string"
            #Raises an error if the value_list is not iterable
            raise ValueError("An iterable object has to be provided as list of values for the parameter '{}'"

class Population:
    The PoPulation class is the main class of the genetic algorithm
        pop_size (int): size of the population
        search_space (list): list of parameters initialised with the Integer, Real or Categorical classes defined above
        minimize (bool, default = True): True if the optimisation is a minimisation problem, False for maximisation
        pop_size (int): size of the population
        search_space (list): list of parameters initialised with the Integer, Real or Categorical classes defined above
        stage (int): current evolution stage, set to 0
        id_count (int): individual counter, used to generate ids, set to 0
        reverse (bool): Logical negation of the minimize argument, used to determine the sort direction (ASC or DESC)
        param_names (list):list of the parameter names listed in the search space
        param_dict (dict): dictionary of parameters generated from the search space list

        ValueError if an item of the search space list is not a member of the Integer, Real or Categorical class
    def __init__(self, pop_size, search_space, minimize = True):
        self.pop_size = pop_size
        self.population = []
        self.stage = 0
        self.id_count = 0
        self.reverse = not minimize
            self.param_names = []
            self.param_dict = {}
            #Generates a list of parameter name and a parameter dictionary from the search space
            for param in search_space:
                self.param_dict[] = param
             raise ValueError('Please make sure that the search space is a list of Integer,                               Real or Categorical parameter')
    def get_random_param(self, param_name):
        Randomly draws a parameter value
            param_name (str): name of the parameter to be drawn
            A random parameter value selected from the search space
        if self.param_dict[param_name].var_type=='int':
            return random.randrange(self.param_dict[param_name].lower_bound,
        elif self.param_dict[param_name].var_type=='real':
            if self.param_dict[param_name].prior == 'uniform':
                return round(np.random.uniform(
            elif self.param_dict[param_name].prior == 'normal':
                sample = round(np.random.normal(
                return min(max(self.param_dict[param_name].lower_bound, sample), self.param_dict[param_name].upper_bound)
            elif self.param_dict[param_name].prior == 'lognormal':
                sample = round(np.random.lognormal(
                return min(max(self.param_dict[param_name].lower_bound, sample), self.param_dict[param_name].upper_bound)
            elif self.param_dict[param_name].prior == 'gamma':
                sample = round(np.random.gamma(
                return min(max(self.param_dict[param_name].lower_bound, sample), self.param_dict[param_name].upper_bound)
            elif self.param_dict[param_name].prior == 'exponential':
                sample = round(np.random.exponential(
                return min(max(self.param_dict[param_name].lower_bound, sample), self.param_dict[param_name].upper_bound)
        elif self.param_dict[param_name].var_type=='categorical':
            return np.random.choice(self.param_dict[param_name].value_list)
            raise ValueError('Please make sure that the search space is a list of Integer(),                              Real() or Categorical() parameter')
    def get_initial_population(self):
        Randomly generates a population
        for idx in range(self.pop_size):
            temp_params = {}
            #Generates a random parameter value for each parameters in the parameter dictionary
            for i, param in enumerate(self.param_dict.keys()):
                temp_params[param] = self.get_random_param(param)
            self.population.append(Individual(ind_id = self.id_count,
                                              parent_id = None,    #no parent id as the population is generated
                                              stage_init = self.stage, 
                                              params = temp_params))
            #Increments the id_count by 1 as a new individual has been generated
            self.id_count +=1
    def evaluate_population(self,opt_function):
        Evaluates each of a population's individuals based on an optimisation function
            opt_function (function): function to be optimised
            To correctly define the optimisation function, please make sure that the following requirements are met:
            1) The function requires a parameter dictionary as only required argument
            2) The name of the dictionary keys expected by the function matches the parameter names
              defined in the search space
            3) The search space has been defined to avoid errors, or the function has been built to
              handle them correctly
            4) The function's execution should not generate errors
        for i,ind in enumerate(self.population):
            #Only evaluates individuals with no fitness
            #(i.e. that have not yet been evaluated)
            if self.population[i].fitness==None:
    def sort_population(self):
        Sorts a population using its individual's fitness scores
            This score will be ascending or descending based on the chosen direction of the optimisation problem
        self.population = sorted(self.population, key=lambda ind:, reverse=self.reverse)
    def natural_selection(self):
        Selects the n best individuals of a population
        This n is the population size
        self.population = self.population[:self.pop_size]
    def get_offspring(self, n_children, n_sample, p_mutation, p_crossover):
        Generates a list of offspring
            n_children (int): number of children
            n_sample (int): number of candidate parents sampled from the population
            p_mutation (float): mutation probability
            p_crossover (float): crossover probability
        #Increments the evolution stage by 1
        self.stage += 1
        children = []
        for child in range(n_children):
            #Draws a random sample of candidates from the population
            idx = np.random.randint(0, len(self.population), size=n_sample)
            candidates = sorted([self.population[i] for i in idx], key=lambda ind:, reverse=self.reverse)
            #Defines the best individual of the sample as parent 1
            p1 = candidates.pop(0)
            #Randomly selects parent 2 from the rest of the sample
            p2 = candidates[np.random.randint(0, len(candidates))]
            child_params = {}
            for i, param in enumerate(self.param_dict.keys()):
                #Theoretically speaking, mutation happens after crossover
                #but if a cell is mutated after crossover, the crossover operation is redundant
                if np.random.uniform(0,1) < p_mutation:
                    child_params[param] = self.get_random_param(param)
                    if np.random.uniform(0,1) > p_crossover:
                        child_params[param] = p2.params[param]
                        child_params[param] = p1.params[param]
            child = Individual(ind_id = self.id_count, 
                               parent_id = (p1.ind_id, p2.ind_id),
                               stage_init = self.stage, 
                               params = child_params)
            #Increments the id_count by 1 as a new individual has been generated
    def round_log(self):
        Generates a round log, with a row for each individual id/stage combination
             list: evolution round description
        round_log = []
        for rank,individual in enumerate(self.population):
            params_list = []
            for param in self.param_names:
            log_row = [str(self.stage) + '_' + str(individual.ind_id),    #stage_id individual identifier
                       self.stage,                                        #current stage
                       individual.ind_id,                                 #individual id
                       individual.parent_id,                              #parents' id
                       individual.stage_init,                             #stage in which the individual was generated
             ,                                #individual fitness
                       rank+1]                                            #rank within population at this given stage
            log_row.extend(params_list)                                   #list of parameter values
        return round_log
    def evolution(self, opt_function, n_rounds, n_children, n_sample, p_mutation, p_crossover, verbose):
        Executes the evolution algorithm for a set number of iterations
             opt_function (function): function to be optimised
             n_rounds (int): number of evolution rounds
             n_children (int): number of children
             n_sample (int): number of candidate parents sampled from the population
             p_mutation (float): mutation probability
             p_crossover (float): crossover probability
             verbose (bool): prints progress if True
             dataframe: dataframe containing a summary of the evolution process, with a row by id/stage combination
        log_list = []
        for i in range(n_rounds):
            if verbose:
                print('Working on evolution round: {}'.format(i+1))
                print('Best score: {}'.format(self.population[0].fitness))
                print('Best parameters: {}'.format(self.population[0].params))
            self.get_offspring(n_children, n_sample, p_mutation, p_crossover)
        log_df = pd.DataFrame(data = log_list, columns=['index', 'stage', 'id', 'parent_id',
                                                        'stage_born', 'fitness', 'rank'] + self.param_names)
        log_df.set_index('index', inplace = True)
        return log_df
    def fitness_overtime(self,log_df):
        Plots fitness over time
             dataframe: dataframe containing a summary of the evolution process
        log_df = log_df[log_df['rank']==1]
        ax = log_df.plot('stage', 'fitness') 
        ax.set_title('Fitness over time', fontsize = 20, pad=20)
        ax.set_xlabel('Generation (Program Iteration)', fontsize=12)
        ax.set_ylabel('Fitness', fontsize=12)
    def get_population_params(self):
        Generates a list of the population's parameters
            list: a list of the poulation's individuals' parameters
        param_list = []
        for ind in self.population:
        return param_list
    def get_population_params_fitness(self):
        Generates a list of the population's parameters and their associated fitness
            list: list of dictionaries containing each individual's parameters and fitness
        param_fitness = []
        for ind in self.population:
        return param_fitness
    def get_best_params(self):
        Outputs the best parameters of the population - i.e. the parameters of the population's first individual
        return self.population[0].params

def optimise(function, search_space,
             minimize=True, population_size=20,
             n_rounds=500, n_children=10, 
             n_sample=4, p_mutation=0.2, 
             p_crossover=0.6, verbose = False,
             return_log = False, return_population = False):
    Optimises a function given a search space
        function (function): function to be optimised
        search_space (list): list of parameters, either Integer, Real or Categorical
        minimize (bool, default = True): nature of the optimsation objective
        population_size (int, default = 20): size of the population, number of individuals
        n_rounds (int, default = 500): number of evolution rounds
        n_children (int, default = 10): number of children generated at each round
        p_mutation (float, default = 0.2): probability of mutation
        p_crossover (float, default = 0.6): probability of crossover - i.e. taking the gene from the dominant parent
        verbose (bool, default = True): describes progress if True
        return_log (bool, default = False): returns an evolution log if true
        return_population (bool, default = False): returns a population object if true
        dict: parameters of the fittest individual after the final round of evolution
        dataframe, optional: dataframe containing a row for each individual id / stage combination
        Population, optional: Population object for customised analysis
    pop = Population(population_size, search_space=search_space, minimize = minimize)
    run_log = pop.evolution(function, n_rounds, n_children, n_sample, p_mutation, p_crossover, verbose)
    best_params = pop.get_best_params()  
    print('Number of Iterations: {}'.format(pop.stage))
    print('Best score: {}'.format(pop.population[0].fitness))
    print('Best parameters: {}'.format(pop.population[0].params))
    if return_log:
        if return_population:
            return best_params, run_log, pop
            return best_params, run_log
        if return_population:
            return best_params, pop
            return best_params

def solve(function, target_value, search_space, population_size=10,
             n_rounds=500, n_children=20, 
             n_sample=4, p_mutation=0.2, 
             p_crossover=0.6, verbose = False,
             return_log = False, return_population = False):
    Solves a function for a target value and a search space
        function (function): function to be optimised
        target_value (float): function target value
        search_space (list): list of parameters, either Integer, Real or Categorical
        population_size (int, default = 20): size of the population, number of individuals
        n_rounds (int, default = 500): number of evolution rounds
        n_children (int, default = 10): number of children generated at each round
        p_mutation (float, default = 0.2): probability of mutation
        p_crossover (float, default = 0.6): probability of crossover - i.e. taking the gene from the dominant parent
        verbose (bool, default = True): describes progress if True
        return_log (bool, default = False): returns an evolution log if true
        return_population (bool, default = False): returns a population object if true
        dict: parameters of the fittest individual after the final round of evolution
        dataframe, optional: dataframe containing a row for each individual id / stage combination
        Population, optional: Population object for customised analysis
    def absolute_error(params):
        return abs(function(params)-target_value)
    pop = Population(population_size, search_space=search_space, minimize = True)
    run_log = pop.evolution(absolute_error, n_rounds, n_children, n_sample, p_mutation, p_crossover, verbose)
    best_params = pop.get_best_params()
    print('Number of Iterations: {}'.format(pop.stage))
    print('Lowest Absolute Error: {}'.format(pop.population[0].fitness))
    print('Best parameters: {}'.format(pop.population[0].params))
    if return_log:
        if return_population:
            return best_params, run_log, pop
            return best_params, run_log
        if return_population:
            return best_params, pop
            return best_params

def random_opt(function, search_space,
             minimize=True, n_iter = 20):
    Random search used for genetic algorithm benchmark
        function (function): function to be optimised
        search_space (list): list of parameters, either Integer, Real or Categorical
        minimize (bool, default = True): nature of the optimsation objective
        n_iter (int): number of random evaluations
        dict: best set of parameters
        float: fitness associated with the best parameters

    pop = Population(n_iter, search_space=search_space, minimize = minimize)
    best_params = pop.population[0].params
    best_fitness = pop.population[0].fitness
    return best_params, best_fitness

def network_genealogy(log_df):
        Generates a networkX compatible genealogy in a pandas dataframe format
            log_df (dataframe): pandas dataframe containing a summary of the evolution process
             dataframe: pandas dataframe convertible to a NetworkX graph
        #Removes duplicate ids by only taking the first instance of each individual
        log_df_unique = log_df.drop_duplicates(subset = ['id'] , keep = 'first')
        #Gets a unique list of parameters
        param_list = list(log_df)[list(log_df).index('rank')+1:]
        #List of columns in the genealogy dataframes
        column_list = ['parent', 'child', 'stage_born', 'fitness',
                       'child_rank', 'fitness','parent_type'] + param_list
        graph_list = []
        #Iterates through the rows of the unique individual dataframe
        for index, row in log_df_unique.iterrows():
            #If the individual has parents (i.e. was not individually generated)
            if row['parent_id']:
                for index, parent in enumerate(row['parent_id']):
                    row_list = [parent, row['id'], row['stage_born'], row['fitness'],
                                row['rank'], row['fitness'], index+1]
                    for param in param_list:
                row_list = [row['parent_id'], row['id'], row['stage_born'], row['fitness'],
                                row['rank'], row['fitness'], None]
                for param in param_list:
        genealogy = pd.DataFrame(data = graph_list, 
        return genealogy


def network_genealogy(log_df)

Generates a networkX compatible genealogy in a pandas dataframe format


log_df : dataframe
pandas dataframe containing a summary of the evolution process


pandas dataframe convertible to a NetworkX graph
Expand source code
def network_genealogy(log_df):
        Generates a networkX compatible genealogy in a pandas dataframe format
            log_df (dataframe): pandas dataframe containing a summary of the evolution process
             dataframe: pandas dataframe convertible to a NetworkX graph
        #Removes duplicate ids by only taking the first instance of each individual
        log_df_unique = log_df.drop_duplicates(subset = ['id'] , keep = 'first')
        #Gets a unique list of parameters
        param_list = list(log_df)[list(log_df).index('rank')+1:]
        #List of columns in the genealogy dataframes
        column_list = ['parent', 'child', 'stage_born', 'fitness',
                       'child_rank', 'fitness','parent_type'] + param_list
        graph_list = []
        #Iterates through the rows of the unique individual dataframe
        for index, row in log_df_unique.iterrows():
            #If the individual has parents (i.e. was not individually generated)
            if row['parent_id']:
                for index, parent in enumerate(row['parent_id']):
                    row_list = [parent, row['id'], row['stage_born'], row['fitness'],
                                row['rank'], row['fitness'], index+1]
                    for param in param_list:
                row_list = [row['parent_id'], row['id'], row['stage_born'], row['fitness'],
                                row['rank'], row['fitness'], None]
                for param in param_list:
        genealogy = pd.DataFrame(data = graph_list, 
        return genealogy
def optimise(function, search_space, minimize=True, population_size=20, n_rounds=500, n_children=10, n_sample=4, p_mutation=0.2, p_crossover=0.6, verbose=False, return_log=False, return_population=False)

Optimises a function given a search space


function : function
function to be optimised
search_space : list
list of parameters, either Integer, Real or Categorical
minimize : bool, default = True
nature of the optimsation objective
population_size : int, default = 20
size of the population, number of individuals
n_rounds : int, default = 500
number of evolution rounds
n_children : int, default = 10
number of children generated at each round
p_mutation : float, default = 0.2
probability of mutation
p_crossover : float, default = 0.6
probability of crossover - i.e. taking the gene from the dominant parent
verbose : bool, default = True
describes progress if True
return_log : bool, default = False
returns an evolution log if true
return_population : bool, default = False
returns a population object if true


parameters of the fittest individual after the final round of evolution
dataframe, optional
dataframe containing a row for each individual id / stage combination
Population, optional
Population object for customised analysis
Expand source code
def optimise(function, search_space,
             minimize=True, population_size=20,
             n_rounds=500, n_children=10, 
             n_sample=4, p_mutation=0.2, 
             p_crossover=0.6, verbose = False,
             return_log = False, return_population = False):
    Optimises a function given a search space
        function (function): function to be optimised
        search_space (list): list of parameters, either Integer, Real or Categorical
        minimize (bool, default = True): nature of the optimsation objective
        population_size (int, default = 20): size of the population, number of individuals
        n_rounds (int, default = 500): number of evolution rounds
        n_children (int, default = 10): number of children generated at each round
        p_mutation (float, default = 0.2): probability of mutation
        p_crossover (float, default = 0.6): probability of crossover - i.e. taking the gene from the dominant parent
        verbose (bool, default = True): describes progress if True
        return_log (bool, default = False): returns an evolution log if true
        return_population (bool, default = False): returns a population object if true
        dict: parameters of the fittest individual after the final round of evolution
        dataframe, optional: dataframe containing a row for each individual id / stage combination
        Population, optional: Population object for customised analysis
    pop = Population(population_size, search_space=search_space, minimize = minimize)
    run_log = pop.evolution(function, n_rounds, n_children, n_sample, p_mutation, p_crossover, verbose)
    best_params = pop.get_best_params()  
    print('Number of Iterations: {}'.format(pop.stage))
    print('Best score: {}'.format(pop.population[0].fitness))
    print('Best parameters: {}'.format(pop.population[0].params))
    if return_log:
        if return_population:
            return best_params, run_log, pop
            return best_params, run_log
        if return_population:
            return best_params, pop
            return best_params
def random_opt(function, search_space, minimize=True, n_iter=20)

Random search used for genetic algorithm benchmark


function : function
function to be optimised
search_space : list
list of parameters, either Integer, Real or Categorical
minimize : bool, default = True
nature of the optimsation objective
n_iter : int
number of random evaluations


best set of parameters
fitness associated with the best parameters
Expand source code
def random_opt(function, search_space,
             minimize=True, n_iter = 20):
    Random search used for genetic algorithm benchmark
        function (function): function to be optimised
        search_space (list): list of parameters, either Integer, Real or Categorical
        minimize (bool, default = True): nature of the optimsation objective
        n_iter (int): number of random evaluations
        dict: best set of parameters
        float: fitness associated with the best parameters

    pop = Population(n_iter, search_space=search_space, minimize = minimize)
    best_params = pop.population[0].params
    best_fitness = pop.population[0].fitness
    return best_params, best_fitness
def solve(function, target_value, search_space, population_size=10, n_rounds=500, n_children=20, n_sample=4, p_mutation=0.2, p_crossover=0.6, verbose=False, return_log=False, return_population=False)

Solves a function for a target value and a search space


function : function
function to be optimised
target_value : float
function target value
search_space : list
list of parameters, either Integer, Real or Categorical
population_size : int, default = 20
size of the population, number of individuals
n_rounds : int, default = 500
number of evolution rounds
n_children : int, default = 10
number of children generated at each round
p_mutation : float, default = 0.2
probability of mutation
p_crossover : float, default = 0.6
probability of crossover - i.e. taking the gene from the dominant parent
verbose : bool, default = True
describes progress if True
return_log : bool, default = False
returns an evolution log if true
return_population : bool, default = False
returns a population object if true


parameters of the fittest individual after the final round of evolution
dataframe, optional
dataframe containing a row for each individual id / stage combination
Population, optional
Population object for customised analysis
Expand source code
def solve(function, target_value, search_space, population_size=10,
             n_rounds=500, n_children=20, 
             n_sample=4, p_mutation=0.2, 
             p_crossover=0.6, verbose = False,
             return_log = False, return_population = False):
    Solves a function for a target value and a search space
        function (function): function to be optimised
        target_value (float): function target value
        search_space (list): list of parameters, either Integer, Real or Categorical
        population_size (int, default = 20): size of the population, number of individuals
        n_rounds (int, default = 500): number of evolution rounds
        n_children (int, default = 10): number of children generated at each round
        p_mutation (float, default = 0.2): probability of mutation
        p_crossover (float, default = 0.6): probability of crossover - i.e. taking the gene from the dominant parent
        verbose (bool, default = True): describes progress if True
        return_log (bool, default = False): returns an evolution log if true
        return_population (bool, default = False): returns a population object if true
        dict: parameters of the fittest individual after the final round of evolution
        dataframe, optional: dataframe containing a row for each individual id / stage combination
        Population, optional: Population object for customised analysis
    def absolute_error(params):
        return abs(function(params)-target_value)
    pop = Population(population_size, search_space=search_space, minimize = True)
    run_log = pop.evolution(absolute_error, n_rounds, n_children, n_sample, p_mutation, p_crossover, verbose)
    best_params = pop.get_best_params()
    print('Number of Iterations: {}'.format(pop.stage))
    print('Lowest Absolute Error: {}'.format(pop.population[0].fitness))
    print('Best parameters: {}'.format(pop.population[0].params))
    if return_log:
        if return_population:
            return best_params, run_log, pop
            return best_params, run_log
        if return_population:
            return best_params, pop
            return best_params


class Categorical (value_list, name)

Categorical Parameter class, member of the Search Space


value_list : iterable
list of possible values
name : str
parameter name


value_list : iterable
list of possible values
name : str
parameter name
var_type : str
parameter type, used in the sampling process
check : str
string 'parameter', used to check the integrity of the search space


This parameter's name must be consistent with the keys of the dictionary fed into the optimised function


ValueError if the value list argument is not an iterable
Expand source code
class Categorical():
    Categorical Parameter class, member of the Search Space
        value_list (iterable): list of possible values
        name (str): parameter name
        value_list (iterable): list of possible values
        name (str): parameter name
        var_type (str): parameter type, used in the sampling process
        check (str): string 'parameter', used to check the integrity of the search space
        This parameter's name must be consistent with the keys of the dictionary
        fed into the optimised function
        ValueError if the value list argument is not an iterable
    def __init__(self, value_list, name):
        self.value_list = value_list = name
        self.var_type = 'categorical'
        self.check = 'parameter'
            if isinstance(value_list, str):
                #Raises an error if the value_list is a string (separate check because strings are iterables...)
                raise ValueError("The list of possible values for the parameter '{}' cannot be a string"
            #Raises an error if the value_list is not iterable
            raise ValueError("An iterable object has to be provided as list of values for the parameter '{}'"
class Individual (ind_id, parent_id, stage_init, params)

Single individual in a population


id_number : int
identifier of the individual
parent_id : tuple
tuple containing the id of the two parents
stage_init : int
stage in which the individual was generated
params : dict
dictionary of parameters


ind_id : int
identifier of the individual
parent_id : tuple
tuple containing the id of the two parents
stage_init : int
stage in which the individual was generated
params : dict
dictionary of parameters
fitness : float
fitness of the individual (default:None)
Expand source code
class Individual:
    Single individual in a population
         id_number (int): identifier of the individual
         parent_id (tuple): tuple containing the id of the two parents
         stage_init (int): stage in which the individual was generated
         params (dict): dictionary of parameters
        ind_id (int): identifier of the individual
        parent_id (tuple): tuple containing the id of the two parents
        stage_init (int): stage in which the individual was generated
        params (dict): dictionary of parameters
        fitness (float): fitness of the individual (default:None)
    def __init__(self, ind_id, parent_id, stage_init, params):
        self.ind_id = ind_id
        self.parent_id = parent_id
        self.stage_init = stage_init
        self.params = params = None
    def get_fitness(self,opt_function):
        Evaluates an individual's fitness based on its parameters and a function
            function (function): user-selected function to be optimised
            This function must take a dictionary as argument. 
            This dictionary's keys must match the search space's parameter name
            ValueError if fitness cannot be evaluated for a given individual
   = opt_function(self.params)
            raise ValueError("An error occurred while evaluating Individual {ind_id}'s fitness \n             with the following parameters: {params} \n             To debug this problem, please make sure that the following requirements are met: \n             1) The function requires a parameter as only required argument \n             2) The name of the dictionary keys expected by the function matches the parameter names             defined in the search space \n             3) The search space has been defined to avoid errors, or the function has been built to             handle them correctly \n             4) The function's execution should not generate errors".format(ind_id = self.ind_id, params = self.params))


def get_fitness(self, opt_function)

Evaluates an individual's fitness based on its parameters and a function


function : function
user-selected function to be optimised


This function must take a dictionary as argument. This dictionary's keys must match the search space's parameter name


ValueError if fitness cannot be evaluated for a given individual
Expand source code
def get_fitness(self,opt_function):
    Evaluates an individual's fitness based on its parameters and a function
        function (function): user-selected function to be optimised
        This function must take a dictionary as argument. 
        This dictionary's keys must match the search space's parameter name
        ValueError if fitness cannot be evaluated for a given individual
    try: = opt_function(self.params)
        raise ValueError("An error occurred while evaluating Individual {ind_id}'s fitness \n             with the following parameters: {params} \n             To debug this problem, please make sure that the following requirements are met: \n             1) The function requires a parameter as only required argument \n             2) The name of the dictionary keys expected by the function matches the parameter names             defined in the search space \n             3) The search space has been defined to avoid errors, or the function has been built to             handle them correctly \n             4) The function's execution should not generate errors".format(ind_id = self.ind_id, params = self.params))
class Integer (lower_bound, upper_bound, name, step=1)

Integer Parameter class, member of the Search Space


lower_bound : int
parameter space lower bound
upper_bound : int
parameter space upper bound
name : str
parameter name
step : int, optional
desired step between each selection


lower_bound : int
parameter space lower bound
upper_bound : int
parameter space upper bound
name : str
parameter name
step : int, optional
desired step between each selection
var_type : str
parameter type, used in the sampling process
check : str
string 'parameter', used to check the integrity of the search space


This parameter's name must be consistent with the keys of the dictionary fed into the optimised function


ValueError if the lower bound is superior or equal to the lower bound
Expand source code
class Integer():
    Integer Parameter class, member of the Search Space
        lower_bound (int): parameter space lower bound
        upper_bound (int): parameter space upper bound
        name (str): parameter name
        step (int, optional): desired step between each selection
        lower_bound (int): parameter space lower bound
        upper_bound (int): parameter space upper bound
        name (str): parameter name
        step (int, optional): desired step between each selection
        var_type (str): parameter type, used in the sampling process
        check (str): string 'parameter', used to check the integrity of the search space
        This parameter's name must be consistent with the keys of the dictionary \
        fed into the optimised function
        ValueError if the lower bound is superior or equal to the lower bound
    def __init__(self, lower_bound, upper_bound, name, step = 1):
        self.lower_bound = lower_bound
        self.upper_bound = upper_bound = name
        self.step = step
        self.var_type = 'int'
        self.check = 'parameter'
        if self.lower_bound >= self.upper_bound:
            raise ValueError("the lower bound {} has to be less than the"
                             " upper bound {}".format(lower_bound, upper_bound))
class Population (pop_size, search_space, minimize=True)

The PoPulation class is the main class of the genetic algorithm


pop_size : int
size of the population
search_space : list
list of parameters initialised with the Integer, Real or Categorical classes defined above
minimize : bool, default = True
True if the optimisation is a minimisation problem, False for maximisation


pop_size : int
size of the population
search_space : list
list of parameters initialised with the Integer, Real or Categorical classes defined above
stage : int
current evolution stage, set to 0
id_count : int
individual counter, used to generate ids, set to 0
reverse : bool
Logical negation of the minimize argument, used to determine the sort direction (ASC or DESC)
param_names (list):list of the parameter names listed in the search space
param_dict : dict
dictionary of parameters generated from the search space list


ValueError if an item of the search space list is not a member of the Integer, Real or Categorical class
Expand source code
class Population:
    The PoPulation class is the main class of the genetic algorithm
        pop_size (int): size of the population
        search_space (list): list of parameters initialised with the Integer, Real or Categorical classes defined above
        minimize (bool, default = True): True if the optimisation is a minimisation problem, False for maximisation
        pop_size (int): size of the population
        search_space (list): list of parameters initialised with the Integer, Real or Categorical classes defined above
        stage (int): current evolution stage, set to 0
        id_count (int): individual counter, used to generate ids, set to 0
        reverse (bool): Logical negation of the minimize argument, used to determine the sort direction (ASC or DESC)
        param_names (list):list of the parameter names listed in the search space
        param_dict (dict): dictionary of parameters generated from the search space list

        ValueError if an item of the search space list is not a member of the Integer, Real or Categorical class
    def __init__(self, pop_size, search_space, minimize = True):
        self.pop_size = pop_size
        self.population = []
        self.stage = 0
        self.id_count = 0
        self.reverse = not minimize
            self.param_names = []
            self.param_dict = {}
            #Generates a list of parameter name and a parameter dictionary from the search space
            for param in search_space:
                self.param_dict[] = param
             raise ValueError('Please make sure that the search space is a list of Integer,                               Real or Categorical parameter')
    def get_random_param(self, param_name):
        Randomly draws a parameter value
            param_name (str): name of the parameter to be drawn
            A random parameter value selected from the search space
        if self.param_dict[param_name].var_type=='int':
            return random.randrange(self.param_dict[param_name].lower_bound,
        elif self.param_dict[param_name].var_type=='real':
            if self.param_dict[param_name].prior == 'uniform':
                return round(np.random.uniform(
            elif self.param_dict[param_name].prior == 'normal':
                sample = round(np.random.normal(
                return min(max(self.param_dict[param_name].lower_bound, sample), self.param_dict[param_name].upper_bound)
            elif self.param_dict[param_name].prior == 'lognormal':
                sample = round(np.random.lognormal(
                return min(max(self.param_dict[param_name].lower_bound, sample), self.param_dict[param_name].upper_bound)
            elif self.param_dict[param_name].prior == 'gamma':
                sample = round(np.random.gamma(
                return min(max(self.param_dict[param_name].lower_bound, sample), self.param_dict[param_name].upper_bound)
            elif self.param_dict[param_name].prior == 'exponential':
                sample = round(np.random.exponential(
                return min(max(self.param_dict[param_name].lower_bound, sample), self.param_dict[param_name].upper_bound)
        elif self.param_dict[param_name].var_type=='categorical':
            return np.random.choice(self.param_dict[param_name].value_list)
            raise ValueError('Please make sure that the search space is a list of Integer(),                              Real() or Categorical() parameter')
    def get_initial_population(self):
        Randomly generates a population
        for idx in range(self.pop_size):
            temp_params = {}
            #Generates a random parameter value for each parameters in the parameter dictionary
            for i, param in enumerate(self.param_dict.keys()):
                temp_params[param] = self.get_random_param(param)
            self.population.append(Individual(ind_id = self.id_count,
                                              parent_id = None,    #no parent id as the population is generated
                                              stage_init = self.stage, 
                                              params = temp_params))
            #Increments the id_count by 1 as a new individual has been generated
            self.id_count +=1
    def evaluate_population(self,opt_function):
        Evaluates each of a population's individuals based on an optimisation function
            opt_function (function): function to be optimised
            To correctly define the optimisation function, please make sure that the following requirements are met:
            1) The function requires a parameter dictionary as only required argument
            2) The name of the dictionary keys expected by the function matches the parameter names
              defined in the search space
            3) The search space has been defined to avoid errors, or the function has been built to
              handle them correctly
            4) The function's execution should not generate errors
        for i,ind in enumerate(self.population):
            #Only evaluates individuals with no fitness
            #(i.e. that have not yet been evaluated)
            if self.population[i].fitness==None:
    def sort_population(self):
        Sorts a population using its individual's fitness scores
            This score will be ascending or descending based on the chosen direction of the optimisation problem
        self.population = sorted(self.population, key=lambda ind:, reverse=self.reverse)
    def natural_selection(self):
        Selects the n best individuals of a population
        This n is the population size
        self.population = self.population[:self.pop_size]
    def get_offspring(self, n_children, n_sample, p_mutation, p_crossover):
        Generates a list of offspring
            n_children (int): number of children
            n_sample (int): number of candidate parents sampled from the population
            p_mutation (float): mutation probability
            p_crossover (float): crossover probability
        #Increments the evolution stage by 1
        self.stage += 1
        children = []
        for child in range(n_children):
            #Draws a random sample of candidates from the population
            idx = np.random.randint(0, len(self.population), size=n_sample)
            candidates = sorted([self.population[i] for i in idx], key=lambda ind:, reverse=self.reverse)
            #Defines the best individual of the sample as parent 1
            p1 = candidates.pop(0)
            #Randomly selects parent 2 from the rest of the sample
            p2 = candidates[np.random.randint(0, len(candidates))]
            child_params = {}
            for i, param in enumerate(self.param_dict.keys()):
                #Theoretically speaking, mutation happens after crossover
                #but if a cell is mutated after crossover, the crossover operation is redundant
                if np.random.uniform(0,1) < p_mutation:
                    child_params[param] = self.get_random_param(param)
                    if np.random.uniform(0,1) > p_crossover:
                        child_params[param] = p2.params[param]
                        child_params[param] = p1.params[param]
            child = Individual(ind_id = self.id_count, 
                               parent_id = (p1.ind_id, p2.ind_id),
                               stage_init = self.stage, 
                               params = child_params)
            #Increments the id_count by 1 as a new individual has been generated
    def round_log(self):
        Generates a round log, with a row for each individual id/stage combination
             list: evolution round description
        round_log = []
        for rank,individual in enumerate(self.population):
            params_list = []
            for param in self.param_names:
            log_row = [str(self.stage) + '_' + str(individual.ind_id),    #stage_id individual identifier
                       self.stage,                                        #current stage
                       individual.ind_id,                                 #individual id
                       individual.parent_id,                              #parents' id
                       individual.stage_init,                             #stage in which the individual was generated
             ,                                #individual fitness
                       rank+1]                                            #rank within population at this given stage
            log_row.extend(params_list)                                   #list of parameter values
        return round_log
    def evolution(self, opt_function, n_rounds, n_children, n_sample, p_mutation, p_crossover, verbose):
        Executes the evolution algorithm for a set number of iterations
             opt_function (function): function to be optimised
             n_rounds (int): number of evolution rounds
             n_children (int): number of children
             n_sample (int): number of candidate parents sampled from the population
             p_mutation (float): mutation probability
             p_crossover (float): crossover probability
             verbose (bool): prints progress if True
             dataframe: dataframe containing a summary of the evolution process, with a row by id/stage combination
        log_list = []
        for i in range(n_rounds):
            if verbose:
                print('Working on evolution round: {}'.format(i+1))
                print('Best score: {}'.format(self.population[0].fitness))
                print('Best parameters: {}'.format(self.population[0].params))
            self.get_offspring(n_children, n_sample, p_mutation, p_crossover)
        log_df = pd.DataFrame(data = log_list, columns=['index', 'stage', 'id', 'parent_id',
                                                        'stage_born', 'fitness', 'rank'] + self.param_names)
        log_df.set_index('index', inplace = True)
        return log_df
    def fitness_overtime(self,log_df):
        Plots fitness over time
             dataframe: dataframe containing a summary of the evolution process
        log_df = log_df[log_df['rank']==1]
        ax = log_df.plot('stage', 'fitness') 
        ax.set_title('Fitness over time', fontsize = 20, pad=20)
        ax.set_xlabel('Generation (Program Iteration)', fontsize=12)
        ax.set_ylabel('Fitness', fontsize=12)
    def get_population_params(self):
        Generates a list of the population's parameters
            list: a list of the poulation's individuals' parameters
        param_list = []
        for ind in self.population:
        return param_list
    def get_population_params_fitness(self):
        Generates a list of the population's parameters and their associated fitness
            list: list of dictionaries containing each individual's parameters and fitness
        param_fitness = []
        for ind in self.population:
        return param_fitness
    def get_best_params(self):
        Outputs the best parameters of the population - i.e. the parameters of the population's first individual
        return self.population[0].params


def evaluate_population(self, opt_function)

Evaluates each of a population's individuals based on an optimisation function


opt_function : function
function to be optimised


To correctly define the optimisation function, please make sure that the following requirements are met:

1) The function requires a parameter dictionary as only required argument

2) The name of the dictionary keys expected by the function matches the parameter names defined in the search space

3) The search space has been defined to avoid errors, or the function has been built to handle them correctly

4) The function's execution should not generate errors

Expand source code
def evaluate_population(self,opt_function):
    Evaluates each of a population's individuals based on an optimisation function
        opt_function (function): function to be optimised
        To correctly define the optimisation function, please make sure that the following requirements are met:
        1) The function requires a parameter dictionary as only required argument
        2) The name of the dictionary keys expected by the function matches the parameter names
          defined in the search space
        3) The search space has been defined to avoid errors, or the function has been built to
          handle them correctly
        4) The function's execution should not generate errors
    for i,ind in enumerate(self.population):
        #Only evaluates individuals with no fitness
        #(i.e. that have not yet been evaluated)
        if self.population[i].fitness==None:
def evolution(self, opt_function, n_rounds, n_children, n_sample, p_mutation, p_crossover, verbose)

Executes the evolution algorithm for a set number of iterations


opt_function : function
function to be optimised
n_rounds : int
number of evolution rounds
n_children : int
number of children
n_sample : int
number of candidate parents sampled from the population
p_mutation : float
mutation probability
p_crossover : float
crossover probability
verbose : bool
prints progress if True


dataframe containing a summary of the evolution process, with a row by id/stage combination
Expand source code
def evolution(self, opt_function, n_rounds, n_children, n_sample, p_mutation, p_crossover, verbose):
    Executes the evolution algorithm for a set number of iterations
         opt_function (function): function to be optimised
         n_rounds (int): number of evolution rounds
         n_children (int): number of children
         n_sample (int): number of candidate parents sampled from the population
         p_mutation (float): mutation probability
         p_crossover (float): crossover probability
         verbose (bool): prints progress if True
         dataframe: dataframe containing a summary of the evolution process, with a row by id/stage combination
    log_list = []
    for i in range(n_rounds):
        if verbose:
            print('Working on evolution round: {}'.format(i+1))
            print('Best score: {}'.format(self.population[0].fitness))
            print('Best parameters: {}'.format(self.population[0].params))
        self.get_offspring(n_children, n_sample, p_mutation, p_crossover)
    log_df = pd.DataFrame(data = log_list, columns=['index', 'stage', 'id', 'parent_id',
                                                    'stage_born', 'fitness', 'rank'] + self.param_names)
    log_df.set_index('index', inplace = True)
    return log_df
def fitness_overtime(self, log_df)

Plots fitness over time


dataframe containing a summary of the evolution process
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def fitness_overtime(self,log_df):
    Plots fitness over time
         dataframe: dataframe containing a summary of the evolution process
    log_df = log_df[log_df['rank']==1]
    ax = log_df.plot('stage', 'fitness') 
    ax.set_title('Fitness over time', fontsize = 20, pad=20)
    ax.set_xlabel('Generation (Program Iteration)', fontsize=12)
    ax.set_ylabel('Fitness', fontsize=12)
def get_best_params(self)

Outputs the best parameters of the population - i.e. the parameters of the population's first individual

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def get_best_params(self):
    Outputs the best parameters of the population - i.e. the parameters of the population's first individual
    return self.population[0].params
def get_initial_population(self)

Randomly generates a population

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def get_initial_population(self):
    Randomly generates a population
    for idx in range(self.pop_size):
        temp_params = {}
        #Generates a random parameter value for each parameters in the parameter dictionary
        for i, param in enumerate(self.param_dict.keys()):
            temp_params[param] = self.get_random_param(param)
        self.population.append(Individual(ind_id = self.id_count,
                                          parent_id = None,    #no parent id as the population is generated
                                          stage_init = self.stage, 
                                          params = temp_params))
        #Increments the id_count by 1 as a new individual has been generated
        self.id_count +=1
def get_offspring(self, n_children, n_sample, p_mutation, p_crossover)

Generates a list of offspring


n_children : int
number of children
n_sample : int
number of candidate parents sampled from the population
p_mutation : float
mutation probability
p_crossover : float
crossover probability
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def get_offspring(self, n_children, n_sample, p_mutation, p_crossover):
    Generates a list of offspring
        n_children (int): number of children
        n_sample (int): number of candidate parents sampled from the population
        p_mutation (float): mutation probability
        p_crossover (float): crossover probability
    #Increments the evolution stage by 1
    self.stage += 1
    children = []
    for child in range(n_children):
        #Draws a random sample of candidates from the population
        idx = np.random.randint(0, len(self.population), size=n_sample)
        candidates = sorted([self.population[i] for i in idx], key=lambda ind:, reverse=self.reverse)
        #Defines the best individual of the sample as parent 1
        p1 = candidates.pop(0)
        #Randomly selects parent 2 from the rest of the sample
        p2 = candidates[np.random.randint(0, len(candidates))]
        child_params = {}
        for i, param in enumerate(self.param_dict.keys()):
            #Theoretically speaking, mutation happens after crossover
            #but if a cell is mutated after crossover, the crossover operation is redundant
            if np.random.uniform(0,1) < p_mutation:
                child_params[param] = self.get_random_param(param)
                if np.random.uniform(0,1) > p_crossover:
                    child_params[param] = p2.params[param]
                    child_params[param] = p1.params[param]
        child = Individual(ind_id = self.id_count, 
                           parent_id = (p1.ind_id, p2.ind_id),
                           stage_init = self.stage, 
                           params = child_params)
        #Increments the id_count by 1 as a new individual has been generated
def get_population_params(self)

Generates a list of the population's parameters


a list of the poulation's individuals' parameters
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def get_population_params(self):
    Generates a list of the population's parameters
        list: a list of the poulation's individuals' parameters
    param_list = []
    for ind in self.population:
    return param_list
def get_population_params_fitness(self)

Generates a list of the population's parameters and their associated fitness

Returns list: list of dictionaries containing each individual's parameters and fitness

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def get_population_params_fitness(self):
    Generates a list of the population's parameters and their associated fitness
        list: list of dictionaries containing each individual's parameters and fitness
    param_fitness = []
    for ind in self.population:
    return param_fitness
def get_random_param(self, param_name)

Randomly draws a parameter value


param_name : str
name of the parameter to be drawn


A random parameter value selected from the search space
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def get_random_param(self, param_name):
    Randomly draws a parameter value
        param_name (str): name of the parameter to be drawn
        A random parameter value selected from the search space
    if self.param_dict[param_name].var_type=='int':
        return random.randrange(self.param_dict[param_name].lower_bound,
    elif self.param_dict[param_name].var_type=='real':
        if self.param_dict[param_name].prior == 'uniform':
            return round(np.random.uniform(
        elif self.param_dict[param_name].prior == 'normal':
            sample = round(np.random.normal(
            return min(max(self.param_dict[param_name].lower_bound, sample), self.param_dict[param_name].upper_bound)
        elif self.param_dict[param_name].prior == 'lognormal':
            sample = round(np.random.lognormal(
            return min(max(self.param_dict[param_name].lower_bound, sample), self.param_dict[param_name].upper_bound)
        elif self.param_dict[param_name].prior == 'gamma':
            sample = round(np.random.gamma(
            return min(max(self.param_dict[param_name].lower_bound, sample), self.param_dict[param_name].upper_bound)
        elif self.param_dict[param_name].prior == 'exponential':
            sample = round(np.random.exponential(
            return min(max(self.param_dict[param_name].lower_bound, sample), self.param_dict[param_name].upper_bound)
    elif self.param_dict[param_name].var_type=='categorical':
        return np.random.choice(self.param_dict[param_name].value_list)
        raise ValueError('Please make sure that the search space is a list of Integer(),                              Real() or Categorical() parameter')
def natural_selection(self)

Selects the n best individuals of a population This n is the population size

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def natural_selection(self):
    Selects the n best individuals of a population
    This n is the population size
    self.population = self.population[:self.pop_size]
def round_log(self)

Generates a round log, with a row for each individual id/stage combination


evolution round description
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def round_log(self):
    Generates a round log, with a row for each individual id/stage combination
         list: evolution round description
    round_log = []
    for rank,individual in enumerate(self.population):
        params_list = []
        for param in self.param_names:
        log_row = [str(self.stage) + '_' + str(individual.ind_id),    #stage_id individual identifier
                   self.stage,                                        #current stage
                   individual.ind_id,                                 #individual id
                   individual.parent_id,                              #parents' id
                   individual.stage_init,                             #stage in which the individual was generated
         ,                                #individual fitness
                   rank+1]                                            #rank within population at this given stage
        log_row.extend(params_list)                                   #list of parameter values
    return round_log
def sort_population(self)

Sorts a population using its individual's fitness scores


This score will be ascending or descending based on the chosen direction of the optimisation problem

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def sort_population(self):
    Sorts a population using its individual's fitness scores
        This score will be ascending or descending based on the chosen direction of the optimisation problem
    self.population = sorted(self.population, key=lambda ind:, reverse=self.reverse)
class Real (lower_bound, upper_bound, name, precision=3, prior='uniform', mean=0, stdev=1, scale=1, shape=1)

Real Parameter class, member of the Search Space


lower_bound : int
parameter space lower bound
upper_bound : int
parameter space upper bound
name : str
parameter name
precision : int, optional
desired number of decimals
prior : str, optional
sampling distribution, default is 'uniform'. 'normal', 'lognormal',
'exponential' and 'gamma' are also accepted
mean : float, optional
default is 0, only required for 'normal' and 'lognormal' prior distributions
stdev : float, optional
default is 1, only required for 'normal' and 'lognormal' prior distributions
scale : float, oprional
default is 1, only required for 'exponential' and 'gamma' prior distributions
shape : float, oprional
default is 1, only required for 'gamma' prior distributions


lower_bound : int
parameter space lower bound
upper_bound : int
parameter space upper bound
name : str
parameter name
precision : int
desired number of decimals
mean : float, optional
default is 0, only required for 'normal' and 'lognormal' prior distributions
stdev : float, optional
default is 1, only required for 'normal' and 'lognormal' prior distributions
scale : float, oprional
default is 1, only required for 'exponential' and 'gamma' prior distributions
shape : float, oprional
default is 1, only required for 'gamma' prior distributions
var_type : str
parameter type, used in the sampling process
check : str
string 'parameter', used to check the integrity of the search space


This parameter's name must be consistent with the keys of the dictionary fed into the optimised function


ValueError if the lower bound is superior or equal to the lower bound
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class Real():
    Real Parameter class, member of the Search Space
        lower_bound (int): parameter space lower bound
        upper_bound (int): parameter space upper bound
        name (str): parameter name
        precision (int, optional): desired number of decimals
        prior (str, optional): sampling distribution, default is 'uniform'. 'normal', 'lognormal',
        'exponential' and 'gamma' are also accepted
        mean (float, optional): default is 0, only required for 'normal' and 'lognormal' prior distributions
        stdev (float, optional): default is 1, only required for 'normal' and 'lognormal' prior distributions
        scale (float, oprional): default is 1, only required for 'exponential' and 'gamma' prior distributions
        shape (float, oprional): default is 1, only required for 'gamma' prior distributions
        lower_bound (int): parameter space lower bound
        upper_bound (int): parameter space upper bound
        name (str): parameter name
        precision (int): desired number of decimals
        mean (float, optional): default is 0, only required for 'normal' and 'lognormal' prior distributions
        stdev (float, optional): default is 1, only required for 'normal' and 'lognormal' prior distributions
        scale (float, oprional): default is 1, only required for 'exponential' and 'gamma' prior distributions
        shape (float, oprional): default is 1, only required for 'gamma' prior distributions
        var_type (str): parameter type, used in the sampling process
        check (str): string 'parameter', used to check the integrity of the search space
        This parameter's name must be consistent with the keys of the dictionary \
        fed into the optimised function
        ValueError if the lower bound is superior or equal to the lower bound
    def __init__(self, lower_bound, upper_bound, name,
                 precision = 3, prior = 'uniform',
                 mean = 0, stdev = 1, 
                 scale = 1, shape = 1):
        self.lower_bound = lower_bound
        self.upper_bound = upper_bound = name
        self.precision = precision
        self.prior = prior
        self.mean = mean
        self.stdev = stdev
        self.scale = scale
        self.shape = shape
        self.var_type = 'real'
        self.check = 'parameter'
        if self.lower_bound >= self.upper_bound:
            raise ValueError("the lower bound {} has to be less than the"
                             " upper bound {}".format(lower_bound, upper_bound))
    def plot_prior(self):
        Plots the prior distribution of a Real parameter
        x = np.linspace(self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound, 200)
        print('Parameter Name: {name} \nPrior Distribution: {prior}'.format(name =, prior = self.prior))
        if self.prior == 'uniform':
            y = stats.uniform.pdf(x)
        elif self.prior == 'normal':
            y = stats.norm.pdf(x, self.mean, self.stdev)
            print('Mean: {mean} \nStandard Deviation: {stdev}\n'.format(mean = self.mean, stdev = self.stdev))
        elif self.prior == 'lognormal':
            print('Mean: {mean} \nStandard Deviation: {stdev}\n'.format(mean = self.mean, stdev = self.stdev))
            y = stats.lognorm.pdf(x, s = self.stdev, scale = self.mean)
        elif self.prior == 'exponential':
            print('Scale: {scale} \n'.format(scale= self.scale))
            y = stats.expon.pdf(x, scale = self.scale)        
        elif self.prior == 'gamma':
            print('Shape: {shape} \nScale: {scale}'.format(shape = self.shape, scale = self.scale))
            y = stats.gamma.pdf(x, a = self.shape, scale = self.scale)
        plt.plot(x, y)
        plt.title(, fontsize = 15, pad = 10)


def plot_prior(self)

Plots the prior distribution of a Real parameter

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def plot_prior(self):
    Plots the prior distribution of a Real parameter
    x = np.linspace(self.lower_bound, self.upper_bound, 200)
    print('Parameter Name: {name} \nPrior Distribution: {prior}'.format(name =, prior = self.prior))
    if self.prior == 'uniform':
        y = stats.uniform.pdf(x)
    elif self.prior == 'normal':
        y = stats.norm.pdf(x, self.mean, self.stdev)
        print('Mean: {mean} \nStandard Deviation: {stdev}\n'.format(mean = self.mean, stdev = self.stdev))
    elif self.prior == 'lognormal':
        print('Mean: {mean} \nStandard Deviation: {stdev}\n'.format(mean = self.mean, stdev = self.stdev))
        y = stats.lognorm.pdf(x, s = self.stdev, scale = self.mean)
    elif self.prior == 'exponential':
        print('Scale: {scale} \n'.format(scale= self.scale))
        y = stats.expon.pdf(x, scale = self.scale)        
    elif self.prior == 'gamma':
        print('Shape: {shape} \nScale: {scale}'.format(shape = self.shape, scale = self.scale))
        y = stats.gamma.pdf(x, a = self.shape, scale = self.scale)
    plt.plot(x, y)
    plt.title(, fontsize = 15, pad = 10)